The National Railroad Museum is collaborating with local organizations to implement a new and incredible program in our community called SPARK! SPARK! is a creative engagement program for people with early to mid-stage memory loss and their care partners. The National Railroad Museum is partnering through the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Brown County, with several community centers such as the Casa ALBA Melanie, The Mulva Cultural Center, and the Neville Public Museum. 

What is SPARK!? SPARK! programs welcome care partners to stay actively engaged in their communities while joining peers to experience art, culture, and nature in a comfortable environment with specially trained staff and volunteers.

SPARK! is not an acronym, it is something that happens between care partners when engaged in a stimulating and engaging experience – SPARKing a moment together – living in the moment.

Programs are designed to keep participants actively engaged in their communities by providing experiences that stimulate conversations, provide peer support, and inspire creativity through creative engagement, workshops, and programs.  SPARK! programs are centered in museums, galleries, nature centers, and cultural venues all across the United States. These events welcome care partners to stay actively engaged in their communities while joining peers to experience art, culture, and nature in a comfortable environment with specially trained staff and volunteers. All SPARK! facilitators have been trained by Alzheimer’s professionals and collaborate with community partners to continually enhance programming. 

Who is SPARK! for? SPARK! is for the at-home care family caring for friends and family in early to mid-stage dementia. Programs are FREE for families to attend together. (SPARK! programs are designed for families and care partners. If you are from a facility and are interested in bringing a group, please get in touch with the hosting location for more information.) 

Contact Us

Justin Lambrecht, Education Director: (920) 437-7623 or