Media / Research

Media Inquiries
Media representatives requesting interviews, seeking to use photos or videos, or needing other information should contact Jacqueline Frank, CEO, at (920) 437-7623, ext. 117, or jdfrank@nationalrrmuseum.org.
The Museum is able to supply high resolution images for use with editorial coverage. Those images should be attributed as: Courtesy of the National Railroad Museum.
Photos or videos provided by the National Railroad Museum may not be used for advertising or other commercial purposes without written consent from the Museum.
Research Requests
The National Railroad Museum accepts research requests and will make a reasonable effort to find requested information. For research requests, please contact Daniel Liedtke, curator, at (920) 437-7623, ext. 114, or dliedtke@nationalrrmuseum.org. Please include your name, phone number, email address and as many details as possible regarding your inquiry. Research fees may apply.
Photo / Video / Audio Policy For The Public
By being on the grounds of the National Railroad Museum – whether inside the buildings, on the train ride or anywhere on the property – visitors consent that the Museum may take photos and/or video and/or audio of them and minor children in their care. The Museum may use those media resources for purposes it deems appropriate, such as – but not limited to – posting on social media and/or the website, for marketing or promotional materials, etc.
A person on the grounds of the National Railroad Museum who does not wish to have their photo / video / audio recorded for distribution should make their wishes known to the photographer and/or event organizer and/or contact the Museum at info@nationalrrmuseum.org.
By failing to notify the National Railroad Museum, in writing, of your desire to not have your likeness used, you agree to hold harmless the Museum for any and all claims involving the use of your image or the image of minor children in your care.
Contact Us
Daniel Liedtke, Curator: (920) 437-7623 or nrrmcollections@nationalrrmuseum.org